From osmosis to diffusion

(migration as movement)

digital art for dismantling membranes

An idea by Terhi Marttila

Movement as diffusion


Or human movement,

is an essential component of human behavior

Spreading of Homo sapiens

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

The movement you saw in the previous slide

can be likened

to a process of


The diffusion of human particles


Image courtesy of JrPol [CC BY 3.0 (]

Why do human particles move?

Human particles

move, in order to

seek opportunity

Movement as Osmosis

As always, human particles continue to be driven by the pursuit of opportunity

However, selectively permeable membranes exist in todays world,

Expressed as the borders of nation-states

In todays reality,

the pursuit of opportunity

creates osmotic pressure

for human particles to cross

the selectively permeable membrane

from areas of less opportunity

to areas of greater opportunity


Image source: transportekarla blogspot

Migration as Osmosis, in 2019, implies that:

The right PASSPORT

(usually determined by random chance, ie. birthplace)

is what determines

whether any given selectively permeable membrane

will allow a human particle to pass through

Given that some human particles are not allowed to pass the selectively permeable membrane,

We have become accustomed to speaking about

"illegal" immigrants

Migration as Diffusion, approximately 200,000 years ago:

Let's review an image we saw previously

Spreading of Homo sapiens

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

None of these human particles

had to present a PASSPORT

as they propagated on the surface of our planet...

The movement of these human particles

was in no way illegal

There were no selectively permeable membranes to cross through

The movement of these human particles

was simply a process of diffusion

Driven by the pursuit of opportunity

Joseph Carens argues

for the moral right of humans to move

given that the distribution

of opportunity

across our planet

is not homogenous

The distribution of opportunity

across our planet

is not homogenous

Indeed, in our current social order,

access to opportunity

is determined by

the circumstances of the birthplace

of any given human particle

"Citizenship in Western democracies is the modern equivalent of feudal class privilege - an inherited status that greatly enhances one's life chances. To be born a citizen of a rich state in Europe or North America is like being born into the nobility... " (Carens 2015, 226)"

Carens, Joseph (2015) The Ethics of Immigration. Oxford: Oxford University Press

"Like feudal birthright privileges, contemporary social arrangements not only grant great advantages on the basis of birth, but also entrench these advantages by legally restricting mobility, making it extremely difficult for those born into a socially disadvantaged position to overcome that disadvantage, no matter how talented they are or how hard they work." (Carens 2015, 226)

Carens, Joseph (2015) The Ethics of Immigration. Oxford: Oxford University Press

"Freedom of movement is essential for equality of opportunity" (Carens 2015, 227)"

Carens, Joseph (2015) The Ethics of Immigration. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Osmosis as

blatant system failure:

Certain human particles have the right to movement and entry through the selectively permeable of the European Union

by virtue of their right to protection under refugee and asylum law.

Note that in order to claim this right, these human particles must pass through the selectively permeable membrane of European Union.

To do this, they must first illegally enter the country, for example, they cannot book a plane ticket in order to claim this right.

In other words, by virtue of the design of the system and our current social order, countless human particles qualify for entry and residence through the selectively permeable membrane yet in practice, by virtue of the design of the system and our current social order, they have no realistic and legal means to exercise this right.

Also: we have the technology

to enable human movement over water

Yet thousands have died

crossing, among others, the Mediterranean sea.

We have the technology

to enable human movement in the air

Yet thousands

are put into air vehicles and moved in OPPOSITION to the osmotic pressure

This osmotic pressure


because certain human particles

are deemed ILLEGAL

Let's remember that

illegality is determined by

what is written in the law

Which is illegal?

The law?

Or the human particles?

“Migrants and other “asylum seekers” can only become “illegal”, after all, if there have been legislative or enforcement-based measures to render particular migrations or types of migration “illegal” — to illegalize them.” (Nicholas De Genova, 2017)

De Genova, Nicholas (2017) “‘Crises,’ Convulsions, Concurrences: Human Mobility, the European Geography of ‘Exclusion,’ and the Postcolonial Dialectics of Subordinate Inclusion. In PARSE Journal: “Exclusions”, Issue 8. Available at: (Accessed May 2019)

These system failures

point towards a necessity

to transition from movement as osmosis

BACK TO movement as diffusion

This implies the dismantling of the selectively permeable membranes

"The control that democractic states exercise over immigration plays a crucial role in maintaining unjust global inequalities and in limiting human freedom unjustly. (Carens 2015, 230)"

Carens, Joseph (2015) The Ethics of Immigration. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Transitioning from Osmosis to Diffusion

Let's see what happens

to particles

when a semipermeable membrane

is removed

Diffusion Micro Macro

Image courtesy of JrPol [CC BY 3.0 (]

If membranes were dismantled,

human particles

would diffuse

much like in the previous gif

Spreading of Homo sapiens

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

Although the dismantling of the current border system

might be hard to imagine,

It is nevertheless important

to criticise it

and imagine an alternate reality

"For a long time, there was no real hope of transcending [the feudal system, nor slavery].

Yet criticism was still appropriate” (Carens 2015, 229)

Carens, Joseph (2015) The Ethics of Immigration. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Opressive social systems such as

the feudal system

or slavery

at one time seemed unquestionable


The feudal system

and slavery

were both abolished

because they were unjust social systems

I am not a politician

so I cannot press a button

that would dismantle

these membranes

As artists

we can create expressive media

in order to bring into existence

a space in which to play with

ideas which yet seem beyond feasibility.

a space in which to play with

ideas which yet seem beyond feasibility

Within the scope of these playgrounds, we can create from the premise that borders are open and restrictions lifted

In such a world, opposition to migration would be invalid, as the “illegal immigrant” would no longer exist.

How will our existence be shaped once all human particles, alongside phenomenal advances in the techonolgy of movement, reclaim the initial human condition of unrestricted movement?

The poetics of human particle movement as a natural phenomenon of diffusion driven by the pursuit of opportunity eventually infuse our consciousness and finally materialise into law, practice and social order.

Thank you


Carens, Joseph (2015) The Ethics of Immigration. Oxford: Oxford University Press

De Genova, Nicholas (2017) “‘Crises,’ Convulsions, Concurrences: Human Mobility, the European Geography of ‘Exclusion,’ and the Postcolonial Dialectics of Subordinate Inclusion. In PARSE Journal: “Exclusions”, Issue 8. Available at: (Accessed May 2019)

One artistic proposition

Hybrid Workspace at Documenta X, 1997

Image from 20 years of No One Is Illegal (2017)

Image source:

Kein Mensch ist Ilegal logo

Image source:

Kein Mensch ist Illegal

a project initiated at Documenta X, 1997

by artist Florian Schneider

composed of a manifesto claiming that

no human is illegal and calling for

rights and legalisation for "illegal" migrants

For the full manifesto see: The kmii Manifesto